Papers of older vintage:

  • Drew McDermott, Mark Burstein, and Douglas Smith 2001 (pdf) compressed postscript Overcoming ontology mismatches in transactions with self-describing service agents. International Semantic Web Workshop, July, 2001.
  • Mark Burstein, Drew McDermott, Douglas Smith, and Steven Westfold 2000 Derivation of glue code for agent interoperation. Proc. Autonomous Agents 2000.
  • Drew McDermott 2000bThe 1998 AI Planning Systems Competition. AI Magazine 2 (2), pp.~35--55
  • Drew McDermott 1999a Using regression-match graphs to control search in planning. Artificial Intelligence,109 (1-2), pp. 111-159.
  • Hemant Tagare and Drew McDermott 1998 Visual place recognition for autonomous robots. IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation.
  • Drew McDermott 1997 Probabilistic projection in planning. In Oliviero Stock (ed.) Spatial and Temporal Reasoning. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Drew McDermott 1997 How intelligent is Deep Blue? An expanded version of an article from the New York Times Op-Ed page, May 14, 1997.
  • Mark Burstein and Drew McDermott 1996 Issues in the development of human-computer mixed-initiative planning, Cognitive Technology, B. Gorayska and J.L. Mey (eds.), Elsevier, pp. 285-303
  • Hemant Tagare and Drew McDermott 1996 Model-based pose proposal for 2-D object recognition. {\it Proc. 13th Brazilian Conf. on AI}
  • Drew McDermott 1996 A heuristic estimator for means-ends analysis in planning. {\it Proc. Third Int. Conf. on AI Plannng Systems}, to appear.
  • Drew McDermott 1994 $\star$ Penrose is wrong. {\it Psyche}, psyche-95-2-17-shadows-9-mcdermott
  • Drew McDermott 1994 The current state of AI planning research. Invited paper, {\it Int'l. Conf. on Industrial and Engineering Applications of AI and Expert Systems}.
  • Michael Beetz and Drew McDermott 1994 Revising failed plans during their execution. In Kris Hammond (ed.), {\it Proc. Second Int. Conf. on AI Planning Systems,} San Mateo: Morgan Kaufmann
  • Michael Beetz and Drew McDermott 1992 Declarative goals in reactive plans. In James Hendler (ed.), {\it Proc. First Int. Conf. on AI Planning Systems,} San Mateo: Morgan Kaufmann, pp.~3--12
  • Drew McDermott 1993 The RPL Manual (Yale TR)