
> > > > Programming Assignments > Assignment 6 - Checkers



Refactor the given implementation of American Checkers (English Draughts) so it is extensible for other interfaces and other games.

You must submit a makefile that creates an executable called Checkers that behaves like the executable built from the given code.

You must refactor the given code using templates and/or inheritance so that

Ideally, after refactoring, the changes necessary for different interfaces and different games will be adding minimal new code in new classes with no modifications to the code you submit for Checkers except for the main function. You will make such changes and additions for the next assignment and that assignment will be graded in part on the extent of your changes and additions to the code you submit for this assignment.

We also reserve the right to deduct points from submissions for violations of the following guidelines.

Files and Submissions

Submit everything you need in order to build Checkers.

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