1. High and mighty
An integer n is high if n >= 1 and, for any m < n, if m is high then n >= 2m.
An integer n is mighty if n >= 1 and n is strictly greater than the sum of all smaller mighty integers.
Show that an integer is high if and only if it is mighty.
1.1. Solution
We'll show that the high and mighty integers are both the set { 2x | x in N }.
- Lemma
n is high iff it is of the form 2x.
- Proof
By induction on n. Observe that 1 = 20 is high, since there is no m < n that is high and thus it is vacuously at least twice all such m. Now consider some n > 1. If n = 2k for some k, by the induction hypothesis the largest high m < n is 2k-1; so we have n = 2k >= 2*2k-1 >= 2m for all high m < n and n is high. If n is not a power of 2, it must lie between 2k and 2k+1 for some k, and by the induction hypothesis 2k is high. But then n < 2*2k and n is not high.
- Lemma
n is mighty iff it is of the form 2x.
- Proof
Again by induction on n. The base case is n=1; since there no smaller mighty integers, 1 trivially exceeds their sum and is mighty. For larger n, if n=2k then the induction hypothesis gives that the set of smaller mighty integers is 1, 2, 4, ... 2k-1$, and the sum of these integers is 2k-1 by the geometric series formula. Since n > 2k-1, n is mighty. Alternatively, if n is not a power of 2, let 2k be the largest power of 2 less than n. Again we have 1, 2, 4, ..., 2k are all mighty, and their sum is 2k+1^-1 >= n. Thus n is not mighty.
We have thus shown than n is high iff n = 2k iff n is mighty.
2. Injections, surjections, and compositions
- Prove or disprove: fg is injective if and only if both f and g are injective.
- Prove or disprove: fg is surjective if and only if both f and g are surjective.
2.1. Solution
Disproof: We'll construct f and g such that f is not injective but fg is. Let g:{0}->{0,1} be given by g(0) = 0, and let f:{0,1}->{0} be given by f(0) = f(1) = 0. Then f is not injective, but fg:{0}->{0} is the identity function fg(0) = 0, which is injective.
- Disproof: The same f and g have the property that g is not surjective but fg is.
3. A big product
Just as
represents the sum f(a)+f(a+1)+...+f(b), the notation
represents the product f(a)*f(a+1)*...*f(b).1
Give a simple formula for the value of
as a function of n, and prove that it works for all integers n >= 1.
3.1. Solution
The formula is
Proof is by induction on n. The base case is n = 0, where the LHS and RHS are both 1. For the induction step, observe that
4. A big sum
Give a simple formula for the value of
as a function of n, and prove that it works for all integers n >= 1.
4.1. Solution
Here the tricky part is to observe that 1/(k(k+1)) = 1/k - 1/(k+1). If we sum up many of these pairs of terms, all of them except the 1/1 at the start and the -1/(n+1) at the end cancel out, giving the formula
To prove that this does in fact work, use an induction on n. For n = 1 we have
For larger n we have
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5. A recurrence
Let T(n) = T(n/3) + n and let T(1) = 1. Give a simple formula for T(3k) as a function of k, and prove that it works for all integers k >= 0.
5.1. Solution
Start by looking at the first few values of T(3k). We have T(30) = T(1) = 1, T(31) = 1 + 3, T(32) = 1 + 3 + 9, etc. The pattern here seems to be that
To verify this pattern, observe that it works for k = 0, since (30+1-1)/2 = (3-1)/2 = 1; and for larger k, we have T(3k) = T(3k/3) + 3k = T(3k-1) + 3k = (3k-1)/2 + 3k = (3k-1 + 2*3k) / 2 = (3*3k-1) / 2 = (3k+1-1)/2 and the induction goes through.
Or 1 if b < a; see SummationNotation. (1)