Here are the /Solutions.
1. Graph products
Recall that the square product G◻H of two graphs G and H has vertex set VG×VH and edge set {(u,u')(v,v'): u=v and u'v'∈EH or uv∈EG and u'=v'}, while the cross product G×H has the same vertex set but edge set {(u,u')(v,v'): uv∈EG and u'v'∈EH}.
Suppose that between any two vertices in G there is a path of length at most m and between any two vertices in H there is a path of length at most n.
- Prove or disprove: Between any two vertices in G◻H there is a path of length at most m+n.
- Prove or disprove: Between any two vertices in G×H there is either no path at all, or there is a path of length at most m+n.
2. Transitive closure
Define the strict transitive closure of a directed graph G to be the relation {(u,v): there is a path of at least one edge from u to v in G}. Prove that the strict transitive closure of a directed graph G is a strict partial order (i.e. an irreflexive transitive relation) if and only if G is acyclic.
3. Cut vertices
A cut vertex1 of a graph G is a vertex v whose removal disconnects the graph, i.e. leaves a graph G-{v} with at least two connected components. Prove that every nonempty connected graph has at least one vertex that is not a cut vertex.
4. How many cycles?
Show that any nonempty graph G = (V,E) contains at least |E| - |V| + 1 distinct simple cycles.
5. Random graphs
A graph on n vertices is constructed by flipping an independent coin for each pair of vertices and including an edge between them if the coin comes up heads, which occurs with probability p.
- What is the probability that the resulting graph is a complete graph?
- What is the probability that the resulting graph is a path? (Hint: How many different possible paths are there?)
- What is the probability that the resulting graph is a cycle?
Also called an articulation vertex or articulation point. (1)