This is the web page for CS 425/525: Theory of Distributed Computing for the Spring 2010 semester. Here you can find pointers to various resources for students taking the course. You should check this page periodically for new announcements.
1. Final Exam
- Final Exam
The final exam was given Monday, May 10th, 2010, starting at 9:00 am, in AKW 200. It was a closed-book, cumulative exam covering all material discussed in the lecture and readings. Exam and solutions: final-2010.pdf, final-2010-solutions.pdf. Previous exams: final-2008.pdf final-2008-solutions.pdf
2. Announcements
- 2010-05-10
- Graded final exams can be picked up outside of AKW 401.
- 2010-04-30
- Graded HW6s can be picked up outside of AKW 401.
- 2010-04-30
/Assignments/HW6/Solutions are now available.
- 2010-04-16
- If you picked up a HW4 that isn't yours, please bring it back.
- 2010-04-15
/Assignments/HW5/Solutions are now available.
- 2010-04-14
/Assignments/HW6 is now available.
- 2010-04-06
- Graded HW4s are available outside AKW 401.
- 2010-04-04
/Assignments/HW4/Solutions are now available.
- 2010-03-31
/Assignments/HW5 is now available.
- 2010-03-05
/Assignments/HW3/Solutions are now available.
- 2010-02-25
/Assignments/HW4 is now available.
- 2010-02-18
/Assignments/HW2/Solutions are now available.
- 2010-02-17
/Assignments/HW3 is now available.
- 2010-02-10
- Today's lecture will go on as scheduled, despite the ugly weather.
- 2010-02-05
/Assignments/HW1/Solutions are now available. Graded assignments have been returned; if you didn't get yours in class, you can probably find it outside AKW 401.
- 2010-01-28
/Assignments/HW2 is now available.
- 2010-01-14
/Assignments/HW1 is now available. See the /Assignments page for due dates.
- 2010-01-13
Please do the administrative assignment /Assignments/HW0, it is easy and fun.
3. Resources
/Schedule: List of lectures and events. Includes reading assignments and pointers to lecture notes.
/Assignments: List of homeworks and exams.
/Notes: Notes on various topics relevant to the course.
/ReservedBooks: Books on reserve at the EngineeringAndAppliedSciencesLibrary.
The RecentChanges page will tell you what pages on this wiki have changed recently. You can also subscribe to the RSS feed from that page.
CS425/2008, CS425/2005: Web pages from the Spring 2008 and Fall 2005 version of the course. These may be subtly broken in various ways.
4. Staff
Jim Aspnes (<>, JamesAspnes). Office: AKW 401. See calendar below for open office hours. You can also send me email to make an appointment.
Teaching Fellow
Nicholas Ruozzi (<>). Office: AKW 202. Office hours: See calendar below. Also available by appointment or if you just randomly happen to see me.
5. Calendar
For details of what topics are covered in each lecture, see /Schedule.
6. Questions and comments
Please feel free to send questions or comments on the class or anything connected to it to <>.