Academic service and outreach
Invited workshops
- 5 Year Update to the Next Steps in Quantum Computing Workshop
Computing Community Consortium, Washington D. C., 2023
- Computer Architecture Student Association (CASA)
Co-founder with Elba Garza
- CASA’s vision is to promote student wellbeing and a sense of
belonging in the computer architecture community.
- Worked with SIGARCH and TCCA to establish CASA in 2020. Original proposal on IEEE TCCA's website.
- Combining Machine Learning and Control Theory for Computer Architecture (MCAt)
International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2019
Raghavendra Pradyumna Pothukuchi, Henry Hoffmann, Karthik Rao, Josep Torrellas
55 participants
Journals: ACM Transactions on Internet of Things (TIOT),
Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC),
IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (CAL),
IEEE Micro, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS),
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews (WIREs): Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.
Conferences (PC or ERC): ISCA'24, ISCA’23, ICPP’22, CDC’22, ISCA’22, IPDPS’ 21, CDC’20.
Service and Leadership at UIUC
- SAGE: Students Advising on Graduate Education
Graduate College [August '17 – August '18]
SAGE is the
official student advisory board to the Dean,
Graduate College on Graduate programs and initiatives.
EGSAC: Engineering Graduate Student Advisory Committee
College of Engineering [August '16 – August '17]
EGSAC is the official student advisory body
of engineering graduate students. It makes
recommendations to the Dean, College of Engineering on
issues related to graduate well-being at UIUC.
I was a part of two subcommittees, Interdisciplinary
Engagement and Quality of Life and Wellness.
I initiated the setting up of an
interdisciplinary fellowship award for students,
and designed events to promote interdisciplinary engagement,
and student wellness.
CSGAC: Computer Science Graduate Academic Council
Dept. of Computer Science [August '15 – August '17]
CSGAC is the student academic advisory body in the Department of
Computer Science, UIUC.
I supported several departmental activities,
and was the liaison between CSGAC and EGSAC.
I Hosted and coordinated the interactive
sessions with
prospective students in the Architecture,
Compilers and Parallel Computing areas.