Spectral Graph Theory, Spring 2025
Not a lecture: Dan's favorite inequality
- Jan 13:
Introduction. Review of Graphs and Spectral Theory. Survey of highlights of the course.
Reading: Chapter 1 and Section 2.1.
Files: 462Lect1.ipynb, 462Lect1.pdf,
docec.txt, YALE.jld2.
- Jan 15: The Laplacian Matrix and Spectral Graph Drawing. Courant-Fischer.
Reading: Section 2.2 and Chapter 3.
- Jan 22: The Adjacency Matrix, interlacing, and Perron-Frobenius.
Reading: Chapter 4.
ps1 out.
- Jan 24: Nodal Domains and cuts.
Reading: Chapter on "Nodal Domains"
- Jan 27: Eigenvalues and Graph Structure: cuts, partitions, and coloring.
Reading: Chapter on "Independent Sets and Coloring" (but not Section 4) and Chapter on "Graph Partitioning". (now numbered 18 and 19). my notes.
- Jan 29: The Zoo of graphs. Bounding eigenvalues by test vectors.
Reading: Chapter 6.
- Feb 3: Eigenvalue comparison theorems.
Reading: Chapter 5. The Jupyter Notebook.
ps1 due, ps2 out.
- Feb 5: Eigenvalues of random graphs.
Reading: Chapter 8. The Jupyter Notebook.
- Feb 10: Partitioning in Stochastic Block Models.
Reading: Chapter 22. The Jupyter Notebook.
- Feb 12: Cheeger's inequality.
Reading: Chapter 21.
- Feb 17: Random Walks on Graphs
Reading: Chapter 10.
ps2 due, ps3 out.
- Feb 19: Local graph clustering
- Feb 24: Spring and resistor networks
Reading: Chapter 11.
- Feb 26: Elimination and Schur Complements. Effective Resistance.
Reading: Chapter 12.
- Mar 3: Spring embeddings of planar graphs.
Reading: Chapter 15.
ps3 due, ps4 out.
- Mar 5: Computing Effective Resistance.
Reading: Chapter 14 and Section 12.3.
- Mar 24: Introduction to Expander Graphs
Reading: Chapter 27.
- Mar 26: PSRGs via Random Walks on Expanders
Reading: Chapter 31, and maybe Section 4 of Chapter 7.
ps4 due, ps5 out.
- Mar 31: A simple construction of expander graphs
Reading: Chapter 30. my notes.
- Apr 2: Sparsification of graphs by random sampling.
Reading: Chapter 32. my notes.
- Apr 7: Linear-sized sparsifiers of graphs.
Reading: Chapter 33. my notes.
- Apr 9: Iterative Solvers for Linear Equations.
Reading: Chapter 34. my notes.
ps5 due, ps6 out.
- Apr 14: The Conjugate Gradient
Reading: Chapter 35. my notes.
- Apr 16: Preconditioning by low-stretch spanning trees
Reading: Chapter 36. my notes.
- Apr 21: Nearly-linear time Laplacian solvers.
Reading: Chapter 37. my notes.
- Apr 23: Developments in Spectral Graph Theory, and other cool related topics.
ps6 due.